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Side To Side Jacket With Vertical Stripes Knitting PatternDesigned by Barbara Breiter This easy jacket is knit back and forth in one piece on circulars from side to side. You begin at the left sleeve and complete it with the right sleeve. It features vertical stripes that can be omitted if desired. Because it's knit from side to side, the stripes are easy to knit because as you knit you're working horizontally, just as if you were knitting a striped scarf for example. If you were knitting bottom up, you'd need to use more than one color per row to knit vertical stripes. Gauge:12 sts and 16 rows=4" in St st Note: Because this is knit from side to side, row gauge is more important than stitch gauge as this will determine the width of the jacket. Materials: Size 11 US (8 mm) 36" circular needles or size needed to obtain gauge Raggedy by Crystal Palace Yarns or appropriate substitution 14 balls #2117 purple (MC) 4 balls #9164 mardigras mix (CC) 50% acrylic/30% nylon/20% wool 50 grams/1.75 ounces 57 yards/52 meters 1" button Stitch marker Size: Finished chest measurement 42" Seed St Row 1: *k1, p1; rep from * Row 2: *p1, k1; rep from * Rep these 2 rows. Left Sleeve With MC, CO 34 sts. Work Seed St for 2½" or 10 rows. Work in St st, purling first row. Inc 1 st each end every 4th row 10 times, then every 6th row 3 times - 60 sts. Work even in St st until piece meas 17¾" from beg or 61 rows of St st. End with WS completed. Left Front And Back Stripe Pattern 2 rows MC 2 CC 8 MC 2 CC 4 MC 2 CC 9 MC 2 CC 12 MC (begin neck shaping) 2 CC 2 MC RS: With MC, using cable cast on, CO 40 sts. K these 40 sts, k 30 sts of sleeve, place marker for shoulder seam, k rem 30 sleeve sts. Turn and CO 40 sts; p across the row (counts as Row 1) - 140 sts Work even in Stripe Pattern for 7¾" or 31 rows. End with WS completed. Left Front Neck Shaping Note: Cont to work back and forth with two balls of yarn (one for Back and one for Front). RS: Work to marker and remove. With a second ball of yarn BO 1 st (this is the Front neck edge), complete row. WS: Work to 2 sts before front neck edge, dec 1 RS: At neck edge, BO 1 st. WS: Work to 2 sts before front neck edge, dec 1 RS: At neck edge, BO 2 sts. WS: Work to 2 sts before front neck edge, dec 1 RS: At neck edge, BO 2 sts. WS: Work to 2 sts before front neck edge, dec 1 Work 8 rows even. On the next RS row, BO all Front sts, leaving Back sts on needle with yarn attached. Cut yarn for Front sts and fasten off. Right Front And Back Stripe Pattern 2 rows MC 2 CC 12 MC 2 CC 9 MC 2 CC 4 MC 2 CC 8 MC 2 CC 2 MC Row 1 (WS): With a second ball of yarn, CO 60 sts. P across sts just CO, then with other attached ball of yarn p across sts for Back. Work 7 more rows, ending with RS completed. Right Front Neck Shaping Note: Cont to work back and forth with two balls of yarn (one for Back and one for Front). Reverse shaping by CO sts on RS rows and inc 1 on WS rows at neck edge: WS: inc 1 RS: CO 2 WS: inc 1 RS: CO 2 WS: inc 1 RS: CO 1 WS: inc 1 RS: CO 1 Join Front And Back Work across all 140 sts, rejoining front to the back at the neck edge. Cut yarn from second ball. Work even in Stripe Pattern for 7¾" or 31 rows. End with WS completed. BO 40 sts, work next 60 sts, BO rem 40 sts. Cut yarn from both balls. Right Sleeve WS: Attach MC and work 5 rows in St st over 60 sts for Right Sleeve, purling first row. Dec 1 st each end next and every 6th row 3 times, then every 4th row 10 times - 34 sts. Work even 3 rows even (sleeve should measure 15¼" or same as other sleeve). Work Seed St for 2½" or 10 rows. BO. Finishing Seam sides and sleeves. Bottom Border With MC and RS facing, pick up 151 sts around bottom. Work Seed St for 2½" or 10 rows. BO. Neck Band With MC and RS facing, pick up 17 Right Front neck sts, 32 Back neck sts, 17 Left Front neck sts - 66 sts. Work Seed St for 4 rows or 1". BO. Front Bands With MC and RS facing, pick up 70 sts along Right Front edge. Work Seed St for 4 rows or 1". Work buttonhole at neck. BO. With MC and RS facing, pick up 70 sts along Left Front edge. Work Seed St for 4 rows or 1". BO. Sew on button. Weave in ends on WS. ©Barbara Breiter. This design may not be reproduced in any manner without the expressed written consent of the author. See Abbreviations and the Glossary for help. Also see Knit A Bit, for patterns by Barbara Breiter |